Urban Preparedness

1st Asia Pacific Urban Community Resilience Hub Meeting Report

In the context of a rapidly urbanizing Asia Pacific region, the number of people exposed to hazards, shocks, and stresses is increasing, leading to amplified risk and vulnerability. At the same time, people living in cities are themselves agents of change and have significant resources, skills, and capacities to bring together resilience efforts in their […]

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1st Asia Pacific Regional Heatwave Meeting: Key Recommendations and Call to Action

1st Asia Pacific Regional Heatwave Meeting : a collective success of policy, praxis, research, and humanitarian leadership Heatwaves, or silent disasters, are increasingly common and can seriously affect human health, well-being, and livelihood. In the past decade severe heatwaves have claimed numerous lives in Asia Pacific. Heatwave exposure will continue to increase, even in countries

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Responding to COVID-19 In Urban Environments

National-Society-Response-to-Covid-19-in-Urban-Areas-Final Literature-Review-Learning-on-Epidemics Learning from Local Responders to Guide Future Epidemic & Pandemic Responses in Urban Areas This study on Responding to COVID-19 in Urban Environments was commissioned by the German Red Cross through funding from the German Federal Foreign Office. This report forms the final of two outputs produced for the study. The first was

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Coalition Building for Urban Community Resilience

LAS TRADUCCIONES AL ESPAÑOL DE LOS JUEGOS DE HERRAMIENTAS ESTÁN AQUÍ Description: Communities worldwide have greater opportunities for growth and connectedness than ever before; yet the number of people exposed to hazards, shocks, and stresses is rapidly increasing, especially in coastal cities, leading to increased risk and vulnerability. At the same time, people living in

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Do-It-Together Toolkit for Building Urban Community Resilience

  Communities worldwide have greater opportunities for growth and connectedness than ever before; yet the number of people exposed to hazards, shocks, and stresses is rapidly increasing, especially in coastal cities, leading to increased risk and vulnerability. At the same time, people living in cities are themselves agents of change and have significant resources, skills,

Do-It-Together Toolkit for Building Urban Community Resilience Read More »

Anticipatory Humanitarian Assistance in the Urban Context

  Last year’s 2019 Global Dialogue Platform showcased dynamic urban anticipatory action achievements, learning and exchange. Building on this achievement, the German Red Cross (GRC) together with National Societies and key partners have continued expanding upon this emerging topic, exploring how cities function and how to advance anticipatory action in urban contexts. This year the

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Urban Action Kit Chinese


该行动包有先对城市概念做简要介绍,然后是以下六个模块系列:创意沟 通,依托自然的解决方案,城市用水、环境卫生和个人卫生(WASH),城市 农业,健康和福祉,早警告早行动,以及宜居城市。各个模块都有一个简短 的概念概述、一系列活动、简要的案例研究以及全球关联。可以一起进行活 动,也可单独完成活动。

城市行动包 Read More »

Urban Action Kit Bengali

আরবান অ্যাকশন কিট

এই কিটে শহরের বিষয়গুলির সঙ্গে পরিচিতির পর এই সব বিষয়ে ক্রমানুসারে ছয়টি মডিউল জানানো হয়েছে: সৃজনশীল উপায়ে যোগাযোগ, প্রকৃতি-ভিত্তিক সমাধান অর্থাৎ নেচার বেসড সলিউসন্স, জল পরিচ্ছন্নতা এবং সুস্বাস্থ্যবিধি অর্থাৎ ওয়াটার স্যানিটেশন অ্যান্ড হাইজিন (WASH), শহুরে কৃষি, স্বাস্থ্য এবং সুস্থতা, অগ্রিম সতর্কীকরণ অগ্রিম পদক্ষেপ এবং বাসযোগ্য শহর। প্রতিটি মডিউলে মূল ধারণার সংক্ষিপ্ত বর্ণন, কয়েকটা ধারাবাহিক কাজ,

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