Case Study

Environmental Field Advisor Deployment in an Emergency Response

After a massive influx of refugees from Myanmar into Cox’s Bazar district, Bangladesh, an Environmental Field Advisor (EFA) has been deployed to help cope with the environmental impact and ensure emergency response activities do not further exacerbate damage to the area.  The deployment comes as part of the IFRC’s Green Response Initiative, which seeks to […]

Environmental Field Advisor Deployment in an Emergency Response Read More »

Youth-led actions for more resilient schools and communities: Mapping of School Safety approaches and Youth in School Safety training for youth facilitators

National Societies have been implementing a wide range of school-based, youth-led actions geared toward disaster risk reduction, first aid, hygiene and health promotion, water and sanitation, road safety, and youth empowerment.  With guidance from IFRC, the RCRC Southeast Asia Youth Network (SEAYN) took the lead in piloting the Youth in School Safety program, which trained

Youth-led actions for more resilient schools and communities: Mapping of School Safety approaches and Youth in School Safety training for youth facilitators Read More »

Building partnerships to engage communities in preparedness and early warning systems in the Pacific

Between 2014 and 2016, Red Cross National Societies worked with communities, governments, and regional organizations to develop and implement an “early warning early action” approach in eight island nations in the Pacific.  The Finnish-Pacific (or FINPAC) project brought together relevant stakeholders at the regional, national, island, community, and household levels to develop community early warning

Building partnerships to engage communities in preparedness and early warning systems in the Pacific Read More »

Communicating Climate Change: A Practitioner’s Guide

Climate & Development Knowledge Network’s (CDKN) guide to communicating climate change offers tips for practitioners to effectively communicate climate change and climate change adaptation and mitigation solutions, with a focus on convincing people of the need for immediate action.  The guide’s geographic focus is on climate communications in the Global South and draws from CDKN’s

Communicating Climate Change: A Practitioner’s Guide Read More »

Official Economic Report of Kampong Junjongan: From Village to Small Town in Five Years?

The vision of this report is to make Junjungan Village into a small town centre in five years time. Utilising the central concept of Charter Village/Town, the Kampong would have by then secured the much-needed empowerment to govern itself with the backing and support of the central government to carry out the following recommendations. To

Official Economic Report of Kampong Junjongan: From Village to Small Town in Five Years? Read More »

Innovation for Economic Development: Brunei’s iCentre through the lens of global-local linkages, local buzz, and industrial policy

Innovation has been at the heart of economic development. Ever sinceJoseph Schumpeter published his landmark book “The Theory of Economic Development”, innovation has gradually evolved to become an essential subject looked upon by decision- and policy-makers as a source to enhance the competitive advantage of nations. Out of this realisation, decision- and policy-makers have placed

Innovation for Economic Development: Brunei’s iCentre through the lens of global-local linkages, local buzz, and industrial policy Read More »

Plecostumus: alternative family income and livelihood – Flood Resilience

The communities in the municipality of Jonuta (Tabasco, Mexico), have been coached in how to use the Plecostomus as a food source. The money generated in wages and from sales of Plecostomus have increased family incomes and improved local subsistence practices. The Flood Resilience Alliance (2013 -2017) is a five-year partnership that set out to develop

Plecostumus: alternative family income and livelihood – Flood Resilience Read More »

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