
Research and Development of a Winterized Shelter Solution

The research started in January 2014 in the preparedness program for Mongolia and was finalized in 2016 to be a global solution for cold climate operations. British Red Cross supported the Mongolian Red Cross Society in their disaster contingency planning, especially the scenario of an earthquake hitting the capital city of Ulaan Baatar with some […]

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Analyse Comparative des Techniques de Maçonnerie en Terre au Burundi

27 février – 8 mars 2019 Consultante : Eugénie Crété Plusieurs programmes de construction de maisons à destination des plus vuln.rables ont cours au Burundi. Les murs de ces maisons sont construits à partir de différents matériaux, principalement adobes, briques cuites et Blocs de Terre Comprimés (BTC). Si les deux premières techniques sont très présentes

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Standard Guideline for Disaster Prone Housing of Bangladesh

Context and Rationale of the Guideline Bangladesh is predisposed to numerous natural extremities due to its geographic location and meteorological features. Every year, the country faces multiple exposures to extreme natural phenomena that significantly affect the inhabitants’ overall livelihood. Predominantly housing is the most affected paradigm, facing the utmost adverse impacts of nature. Although Bangladesh

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Emergency Sahel Shelter Kit – Niger Review in Ngourtoua Camp. Diffa region

1. Overview The “Aide internationale de la Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise” (AI CRL) has been working since 2013 in Diffa, Niger. In close collaboration with the Nigerian Red Cross (NRC), it carries out interventions in the field of shelters for displaced populations, refugees, and returnees in the Diffa region. In September 2017, a new transitional shelter model

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Scoping Study: Humanitarian Assistance in Urban Context

This scoping study, undertaken from October to December 2019, aims to inform priorities and actions of the German Red Cross (GRC) in relation to humanitarian assistance in the urban context. In doing so, the scoping study took stock of existing literature, tools, methods, networks and initiatives (phase 1). Building on this mapping exercise, interviews with

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Immersive Technologies & Digital Games for School Disaster Preparedness

This research study, commissioned by GDPC and conducted by experts Mandy George and Estela Oliva, was completed in August 2019. It presents the current SBDRR and XR technological landscape, analyses the shortcomings of traditional forms of SBDRR and how XR has the potential to address these. It also synthesises and presents a range of learning

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COVID-19: Expected challenges and risks to blood safety

Asia Pacific Blood Network Rapid Brief White Paper, prepared: 17th February 2020 Executive Summary: The novel coronavirus that emerged in 2019 (SARS-CoV-2) in China is a significant new public health threat in the Asia-Pacific region. Whilst there are considerable information gaps at this time, experience with similar respiratory coronaviruses (SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV) suggest that SARS-CoV-2

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Flood Resilience Alliance: Philippines Country Briefing

The Philippines is the twelfth most populated country in the world and is ranked third globally in terms of its vulnerability to natural hazards. The Philippines is especially prone to hydrometeorological events with floods accounting for over 80 per cent of natural hazard events in the country during the last 50 years, with devastating economic and social impacts. The Zurich Flood

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10 Jahre Forschung im DRK

Im März 2009 startete das DRK zum ersten Mal ein Forschungsprojekt mit Projektpartnern im Bereich der zivilen Sicherheitsforschung. Dies war der Beginn einer bis heute erfolgreichen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit. Seit nunmehr zehn Jahren beteiligt sich das DRK Generalsekretariat aktiv an den relevanten (akademischen) Fachdiskursen und betreibt entweder eigenständig oder in Kooperation mit Partnern vor allem

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