Guidance material

Position Paper on Crowd Management at Places of Mass Gatherings

Concerned at the recurring stampedes at places of mass gathering, including religious places, and typically ad-hoc responses to those, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has embarked on formulating an integrated and structured approach to crowd and disaster management at such places. This position paper is a step in that direction. The objective of this document is “To lay […]

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Communicating with People with Disability: National Guidelines for Emergency Managers

A set of guidelines that have been designed to support emergency managers to better understand the varied communication needs of people with disability. They are intended to inform and complement the wide range of policies and procedures developed at all levels of government, business and the not-for-profit sector in support of incident management and the

Communicating with People with Disability: National Guidelines for Emergency Managers Read More »

Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Management: Voices from the field & good practices

This publication would like to contribute with advocating for a more inclusive DRR where persons with disabilities are active participants and not overlooked in relief and response actions. The practices and experiences presented here are challenging the stereotype of persons with disabilities as helpless victims, and instead showing them as effective agents in changing this

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A Guide for Including People with Disabilities in Disaster Preparedness Planning

This guide, written for municipal and regional planners, reflects information,concerns and recommendations that emerged at the daylong forum on December 6, 2005, on “Lessons Learned” from recent large-scale disasters that affected states along the Gulf Coast. This guide is primarily intended to assist people involved in preparedness planning at the municipal and regional levels. It

A Guide for Including People with Disabilities in Disaster Preparedness Planning Read More »

Fire Safety for Wheelchair Users at Work and at Home

By understanding their special evacuation needs, people with mobility impairments and first responders can improve their chances of evacuating their workplace or home safely. This brochure will emphasize the evacuation protocol for wheelchair users from these two areas.  United Spinal Association. Online version of guide

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Cities and Flooding

 A Guide to Integrated Urban Flood Risk Management for the 21st  Century provides forward-looking operational assistance to policy makers and technical specialists in the rapidly expanding cities and towns of the developing world on how best to manage the risk of floods. It takes a strategic approach, in which appropriate risk management measures are assessed,

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A Workbook on Planning for Urban Resilience in the Face of Disasters

This Workbook offers a step-by-step guide for city officials in proactively planning for natural disasters and climate change impacts. It is based on learning from three cities in Vietnam – Ha Noi, Can Tho, and Dong Hoi – that developed Local Resilience Action Plans (LRAPs) containing a set of prioritized actions, related to both infrastructure

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Safer Homes, Stronger Communities: A Handbook for Reconstructing after Disasters

Post-disaster reconstruction begins with a series of decisions that must be made almost immediately. Despite the urgency with which these decisions are made, they have long-term impacts, changing the lives of those affected by the disaster for years to come. As a policy maker, you may be responsible for establishing the policy framework for the

Safer Homes, Stronger Communities: A Handbook for Reconstructing after Disasters Read More »

Urban risk assessments : understanding disaster and climate risk in cities

The rapid and often unplanned expansion of cities is exposing more people and economic assets to the risk of disasters and the effects of climate change. For city governments, increased climate variability imposes additional challenges to effective urban management and the delivery of key services, while for residents it increasingly affects their lives and livelihoods

Urban risk assessments : understanding disaster and climate risk in cities Read More »

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