Risk Assessment

Participatory Cost-Benefit-Analysis Guide

Most traditional economic analysis, such as cost benefit analysis, is too complex to be used for community-based activities and interventions, especially when climate change considerations have to be incorporated. This guide bridges this gap by providing tools and methods for answering the following questions: Which solutions identified in community based assessment approaches and in subsequent action planning are more economically feasible than others?

Participatory Cost-Benefit-Analysis Guide Read More »

Inclusive Framework and Toolkit for Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction in Myanmar

This resource aims to provide relevant and practical guidance to DRR practitioners (policy and program colleagues), on how to ensure inclusion – particularly of vulnerable groups – in Community-Based DRR (CBDRR) initiatives in Myanmar. It comprises an overall Framework for inclusive CBDRR and a number of tools/resources including: 1) a checklist for inclusion in the

Inclusive Framework and Toolkit for Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction in Myanmar Read More »

Do Disasters Create Opportunities for Change Towards Sustainability?

This study looks at how people and organizations – in the midst of post-disaster devastation and loss – are able to see and seize opportunities for change towards sustainability. The post-disaster recovery process from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami devastating Aceh, Indonesia is one of the cases with mixed accounts that framed their recovery around

Do Disasters Create Opportunities for Change Towards Sustainability? Read More »

Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in semi-arid regions of East Africa

This report summarizes key findings from the regional diagnostic study (RDS) of the ASSAR East Africa team, and identifies major gaps in the existing literature on areas of vulnerability and adaptation in semi-arid regions of East Africa. The discussion provides the foundation for detailed case study work planned for the major phase of research, the

Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in semi-arid regions of East Africa Read More »

Improving disaster resilience using mobile based disaster management system

The aim of the study is to increase disaster resilience by using mobile technologies to ensure citizens play an active role in disaster management. It addresses the implementation of mobile based disaster management systems based on a study case in Izmir Province in Turkey. The use of ICTs can help to produce information and make

Improving disaster resilience using mobile based disaster management system Read More »

Strategic directions: strengthening national platforms for disaster reduction – with experience in Kyrgyz Republic

The strategic directions on strengthening National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction are intended for use by all stakeholders as a guiding document or manual, which proposes a list of rational options of organizational and practical actions that aim at strengthening the capacity, increasing efficiency and effectiveness of national platforms for disaster risk reduction. The given

Strategic directions: strengthening national platforms for disaster reduction – with experience in Kyrgyz Republic Read More »

Hazagora: will you survive the next disaster? GeoHazards and DRR Games

Hazagora: a serious game to raise awareness about geohazards and disaster risk reduction. This paper presents the development of a board game aimed at raising awareness about geohazards and disaster risk reduction strategies. The target groups are: i) secondary school students and citizens and ii) scientists and stakeholders involved in risk management activities. For the

Hazagora: will you survive the next disaster? GeoHazards and DRR Games Read More »

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