Amani Osman

Cultural heritage is vulnerable to the adverse impacts of natural disasters, and climate change is adding to the urgency of addressing this challenge. Countries around the world are employing a variety of measures to safeguard cultural heritage aga...
Case Study, Report

UNDP’s work in climate change, disaster risk reduction and energy (2015-2017) This report is comprised of 15 country case studies providing examples of climate action, disaster risk reduction and recovery, and sustainable energy. Each case emph...

Resilience: rising to the challenge in coastal regions Coastal areas offer unique opportunities and challenges. The dynamics of the physical processes (from the daily tides to the ever-changing morphology) form the backdrop to some of the world’s m...
Awareness material

The Fifth Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction was the first occasion for the world to come together and discuss early progress on implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, adopted by UN Member States i...
Awareness material, Report

This report was developed to introduce Japanese disaster simulation drills as a model to help other countries plan and implement disaster simulation drill exercises. The main objectives of this guideline are to: 1. Provide an overview of the institut...
Guidance material, Report

Online communication platforms have become a lifeline for millions of people affected by natural disasters and armed conflicts: social media and messaging apps help maintain contact with family and friends, and provide access to information, such as ...
Assessment or evaluation, Guidance material

Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Cities A tool for disaster resilience planning. Resilience as defined by the Sendai Framework is the ability of a system, community or society exposed to hazards to resist, absorb, accommodate, adapt to, transform an...

In developing countries the agriculture sector absorbs 23 percent of the total damage and losses. Between 2005 and 2014, approximately USD 93 billion was lost in crop and livestock production due to natural hazards and disasters in developing coun...

The Asia and Pacific region is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Unabated warming could significantly undo previous achievements of economic development and improvements of living standards. At the same time, the region has both ...