DRR in FCV Contexts: Conflict Analysis Tools

A conflict analysis is the first step of DRR programming in fragile, conflict and violence affected contexts to ensure that we don‘t do harm but do good with our intervention.


The important element when using any conflict analysis tool is to ensure that we take a close look at the conflict context, possible underlying dynamics and hidden motives. For a comprehensive conflict analysis, it makes sense to use multiple tools, as each of them focuses on a different element of the overall picture.

Starting points are simple conflict analysis tools like the conflict timeline or the conflict tree. We can go deeper and add missing information through other tools as we follow the stages and steps of the Roadmap to Community Resilience.

Explore the Better Programming Initiative (BPI) and Conflict-Sensitive Programme Management (CSPM) resources and templates below.

Access the full DRR Practitioner Handbook “Navigating fragility, conflict and violence to strengthen community resilienceon this page.

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