
Coalición de Mil Millones para la Resiliencia: Guía para las Americas

Personas y comunidades de todo el mundo se enfrentan a crecientes riesgos para su salud, medios de vida y bienestar social. Estos riesgos dependen del contexto, y a menudo se ven agravados por muchos factores: enfermedades; cambio climático; urbanización caótica y asentamientos espontáneos en áreas propensas a desastres; inseguridad; envejecimiento de la población, y aumento

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One Billion Coalition for Resilience: Americas Guide

People and communities everywhere face increasing risks to their health, livelihoods and social wellbeing. These risks are context specific and often compounded by many factors: disease; climate change; chaotic urbanization and spontaneous settlements in hazard-prone areas; insecurity; aging populations; and increasing inequalities. Traditional coping mechanisms are breaking down. New coping mechanisms are emerging. The One

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URBZ – user-generated cities

Based on the belief that residents are experts in their neighborhoods, URBZ organizes collaborative workshops, hands-on research projects, and interactive solution sharing on the web. URBZ regularly organizes participatory workshops that last 2 to 7 days where local residents work in small teams with guests from various fields to produce documentation in the form of surveys, designs, multimedia

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World Development Report 2015- Mind, Society and Behavior

The title of this Report, Mind, Society, and Behavior,captures the idea that paying attention to how humans think (the processes of mind) and how history and context shape thinking (the influence of society) can improve the design and implementation of development policies and interventions that target humanchoice and action (behavior). To put it differently, development policy is due for its

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