Guidance material

Gender and diversity in food security and livelihoods programming

Gender and diversity-sensitive food security and livelihoods programming lead to a more equitable, effective and efficient outcomes for all members of affected communities. This guidance note provides an overview of gender and diversity issue and practical   measures that  Red Cross and Red Crescent staff and volunteers should bear in mind when designing ,implementing and evaluating […]

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Setting up a National Disaster Preparedness and Response Mechanism – Guidelines for National Societies (NDPRM)

This publication presents a set of practical guidelines that are designed to support National Societies in developing the processes, systems, teams and individuals involved in preparing for and responding to disasters. The guidelines acknowledge that response is first and foremost local, but that it takes place within the global solidarity of the International Red Cross

Setting up a National Disaster Preparedness and Response Mechanism – Guidelines for National Societies (NDPRM) Read More »

Psychosocial Recovery Training Toolkit

Training to build understanding of psychosocial recovery to support those working in varied roles in disaster recovery. This training was originally inspired by the need among personnel working on the ground post-earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. It ensures volunteers and staff working with people post-disaster: understand the challenges specific to long-term recovery follow best practice

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All Under One Roof: Disability Inclusive Shelter and Settlement Guidelines

These guidelines are the result of institutional collaboration between IFRC, CBM and Handicap International, and between the Shelter & Settlements and Health Departments within IFRC.  The aim is to transform the way humanitarian organisations approach inclusion and accessibility in their shelter and settlement programmes. The World Health Organisation estimates that 15% of the population are

All Under One Roof: Disability Inclusive Shelter and Settlement Guidelines Read More »

Inclusive Disaster Risk Management: A framework and toolkit for DRM practitioners

The Inclusive DRM Framework and Toolkit is the result of two years’ work as part of the regional project Inclusive Resilience for Sustainable Disaster Risk Management by the INCRISD South Asia Consortium. The project was carried out in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, with the overall objective of building safer and more

Inclusive Disaster Risk Management: A framework and toolkit for DRM practitioners Read More »

Cash transfer programming in urban emergencies: A toolkit for practitioners

In recognition of the increasing urban populations around the world and their increasing vulnerability to disasters, the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) endeavoured to investigate the current status and impact of urban emergency response programmes that utilise cash transfer programming. This study aimed to better understand the collective preparedness for future urban emergency responses, and identify

Cash transfer programming in urban emergencies: A toolkit for practitioners Read More »

Lignes directrices sur les programmes de transferts monétaires

C’est lors d’un séminaire organisé par le Secrétariat de la Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge en mai 2006 qu’est apparue la nécessité d’élaborer des lignes directrices sur les transferts monétaires à l’intention du Mouvement international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge. La Commission de la préparation aux catastrophes et des

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10 Lessons from Fukushima: Reducing risks and protecting communities from nuclear disasters

While it is very important to share the experiences of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, people on the receiving end of such advice cannot take appropriate action unless they understand how to anticipate and prevent the actual disaster at the root of all these experiences, along with measures for how to mitigate the damage of nuclear

10 Lessons from Fukushima: Reducing risks and protecting communities from nuclear disasters Read More »

نظم المجتمع المحلي للإنذار المبكر: المبادئ التوجيهية

لقد تراجعت نسبة الخسائر البشرية والمادية في الكوارث خلال الثلاثين سنة الماضية بفضل نظم الإنذار المبكر المحسنة حيث إن العديد منها ذات «تكنولوجيا عالية».  كما أن التقدم العلمي قد أحدث ثورة في ما يختص بتوقع الخطر وتكنولوجيات التواصل المستخدمة للتحذير. وعلى الرغم من ذلك، لا ينفك الاتحاد الدولي لجمعيات الصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر بالتوصل إلى

نظم المجتمع المحلي للإنذار المبكر: المبادئ التوجيهية Read More »

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