Guidance material

Sistemas comunitarios de alerta temprana: principios rectores

Sistemas comunitarios de alerta temprana: principios rectores ipertenece a una serie de guías elaboradas por la Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja, junto a las guías para el análisis de la vulnerabilidades y capacidades (AVC) y para la concientización pública y educación pública. También, incorpora la Guía […]

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Systèmes communautaires d’alerte précoce: principes directeurs

Systèmes communautaires d’alerte précoce : principes directeurs est un des guides rédigés par la Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (FICR), et qui vient compléter le guide sur l’évaluation de la vulnérabilité et des capacités (EVC) et le guide sur la sensibilisation et l’éducation du public. Ce guide vient également en

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Community early warning systems: guiding principles

The Community early warning systems: guiding principles is one of a set of guides prepared by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), along with the guides for vulnerability and capacity assessment (VCA) and public awareness and public education. It also joins the Disaster response and contingency planning guide to provide

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Cash transfer programming: engaging National Society leadership

This guidance has been developed to facilitate internal advocacy regarding cash transfer programming. It provides the materials required to run an awareness session for senior representatives of a National Society on the nature of cash transfer programming, its challenges and benefits. National Societies work in different contexts and as such the materials will need to

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A Practical Guide to Cash-Based Responses

This manual shares Adeso’s experience to assist relief workers to efficiently and effectively undertake appropriate cash-based responses. To ensure effective targeting of beneficiaries (i.e. that the most food-insecure, or vulnerable, households benefit), Adeso has developed the Inclusive Community-Based Targeting (ICBT) approach, proven to be an effective targeting methodology. The manual highlights the ICBT approach and

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Multi-hazard Business Continuity Management: Guide for small and medium enterprises

ILO devised a user-friendly model business continuity management plan which aims at supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in their effort to develop contingency plans to protect their workers and businesses from the consequences of sudden disasters © International Labour Organization 2011

Multi-hazard Business Continuity Management: Guide for small and medium enterprises Read More »

GIS Use Cases

American Red Cross International Services Department (ISD) has piloted and refined applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to its core programming and response activities. In this time, we’ve found that the best tools and the most effcetive approaches meant little without strong relationships with our program staff rooted in their day-to-day realities of program management

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