Guidance material

Integrating gender in disaster management in Small Island Developing States: a guide

Climate risk management is taking on a new urgency for policy makers, as well as those on the front lines at community level. The connections between climate change and the increased incidence of hurricanes, droughts, massive floods, similar destructive phenomena and the ensuing human and material losses are now becoming more apparent. Caribbean and Pacific […]

Integrating gender in disaster management in Small Island Developing States: a guide Read More »

A practical guide to gender-sensitive approaches for disaster management

  These guidelines are intended to help Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) incorporate effective gender-sensitive and inclusive approaches into their disaster management strategies when assisting communities prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. While the gender-sensitive and gender-inclusive approaches referred to throughout these guidelines address the

A practical guide to gender-sensitive approaches for disaster management Read More »

Earthquake Safe Building Practices in Nepal: Video Toolkit

Earthquake Safe Building Practices in Nepal: Video Toolkit by UNDP Nepal Earthquake Safe Building Practices in Nepal: Video Toolkit (Episode 1), Earthquake Safe Building Practices in Nepal: Video Toolkit (Episode 2), Earthquake Safe Building Practices in Nepal: Video Toolkit (Episode 3), Earthquake Safe Building Practices in Nepal: Video Toolkit (Episode 4), Earthquake Safe Building Practices

Earthquake Safe Building Practices in Nepal: Video Toolkit Read More »

Gender Perspective: Working Together for Disaster Risk Reduction

This publication, facilitated by the UN/ISDR secretariat, serves as “an introduction to the importance of mainstreaming gender issues in risk and vulnerability reduction.” From its diverse collection of case studies, the report “showcases women’s valuable contributions to community resilience” while highlighting good practices and lessons learned in awareness-raising and capacity-building. Ultimately, this publication aims to

Gender Perspective: Working Together for Disaster Risk Reduction Read More »

DiDRR guidelines: early warning and accessible broadcasting

This guideline is designed to address the lack of appropriate information and practices on inclusive policies and practices on disaster preparedness, accessible early warnings, accessible transportation, and life safety and evacuation of persons with disabilities. It focuses on inclusive disaster risk reduction strategies, from working with the community of persons with disabilities, to the design

DiDRR guidelines: early warning and accessible broadcasting Read More »

Safety guidelines and good practices for tailings management facilities

The effective and safe disposal of mining wastes presents technical and environmental challenges. Each facility is unique, so a tailor-made and sound approach is needed to ensure that the TMF is safe, environmentally sound and economical. Although TMFs are operated with increasing care in many ECE countries, the safety of their operations and their afterlife

Safety guidelines and good practices for tailings management facilities Read More »

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