
Early Warning Early Action: Toward More Behaviorally Informed Early Warning Systems

Early warning systems (EWSs) have traditionally focused on collecting and analyzing hazard data to produce warning messages that help inform stakeholders of impending disasters and when, where, and how to initiate response activities. Social constructivist understandings of risk have led to more people-centered approaches to EWS design and development. The resulting systems, though better informed, […]

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Digital Identity: Enabling dignified access to humanitarian services in migration

At the various stages of their journeys, migrants are asked to identify themselves to gain access to humanitarian services. But people on the move have specific needs and concerns when it comes to identification. The sheer variety of migration scenarios around the world make this a multifaceted topic, including issues related to the inclusion and

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1st Asia Pacific Urban Community Resilience Hub Meeting Report

In the context of a rapidly urbanizing Asia Pacific region, the number of people exposed to hazards, shocks, and stresses is increasing, leading to amplified risk and vulnerability. At the same time, people living in cities are themselves agents of change and have significant resources, skills, and capacities to bring together resilience efforts in their

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Responding to COVID-19 In Urban Environments

National-Society-Response-to-Covid-19-in-Urban-Areas-Final Literature-Review-Learning-on-Epidemics Learning from Local Responders to Guide Future Epidemic & Pandemic Responses in Urban Areas This study on Responding to COVID-19 in Urban Environments was commissioned by the German Red Cross through funding from the German Federal Foreign Office. This report forms the final of two outputs produced for the study. The first was

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A level up. Review of the disaster risk management programme and needs assessment in Gaibandha district, Bangladesh

Can we measure community resilience as part of base- and endline surveys? Yes, we can — and it’s not even that hard. This new report for Swiss Red Cross (SRC) is the based on a global first: the first application of resilience radar and resilience star as part of a longitudinal comparison. Its findings are

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CHARP Reports Archive

The CHARP programme was one of the longest lasting humanitarian support programmes of the IFRC and National societies to address the consequences of the Nuclear accident in Chernobyl in 1986. Over the years the different operational reports and evaluations provide evidence of the impact of RCRC operations to support the communities.

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The Nuclear accident in April 1986 at the NPP Chernobyl caused a number of  mid to long term humanitarian consequences. A number of reports and resolutions addresses the different aspects and activities. Available in Russian and English.

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Following the Nuclear accident in March 2011 at the Nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan a number of different research material and case studies provide a better understanding of the impact and humanitarian consequences.

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