Co-designing Solutions for Urban Community Resilience

This toolkit offers a methodology to co-design viable, inclusive and sustainable community resilience solutions, applying Human Centred Design (HCD). HDC is a creative problem-solving approach which begins with understanding people, placing the needs, desires and limitations of the end user at the centre of every step of the design process we go through to address complex problems. ‘Users’ are the people we are attempting to solve the problem for and who will ‘use’ or engage with whatever we design.
It is an iterative and replicable process that can be applied when designing tangible and
intangible objects, such as physical products, digital systems, services, strategies, policies, and experiences.
This toolkit is spread across three documents to ensure it is easy to use and navigate. You will need all three sections to complete the design process.
  • Part 1 contains the tools you will need to get you started, and should be used if you:
    • have not already done Human Centred Design (HCD) training
    • would like to know more of the theory underpinning the tools and activities in Part 2
    • want to build your skills as a facilitator
  • Start with Part 2 if you are working with communities and do not need to conduct HCD training.
  • And Part 3, the final part of the toolkit provides links to other helpful resources (including links to additional toolkits recommended to complete Key Actions 1 & 2), as well as a collection of print-ready templates which can be used for the activities in Part 2.


Slide deck for the toolkit:

Codesign Tool Slide deck Part 1

Codesign Tool Slide deck Part 2.1

Codesign Tool Slide deckPart 2.2

Codesign Tool Slide deck Part 3.1

Codesign Tool Slide deck Part 3.2

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