Case Study

Bangladesh Earthquake Preparedness Project

In Bangladesh German Red Cross is  supporting Bangladesh Red Crescent Society to implement an Earthquake Preparedness project for  past many years.T he project is implemented through  consortium approach having, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, British Red Cross and two  non movement partners  such as  Action Contre  La Faim and Christian aid as downstream partners.  The second

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Following the Nuclear accident in March 2011 at the Nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan a number of different research material and case studies provide a better understanding of the impact and humanitarian consequences.

Fukushima Read More »

Beirut Explosion Case Study: Technological and Biological Hazards

On 4 August 2020, a huge explosion rocked the city of Beirut, shattering glass and causing extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure within a radius of three kilometres. Hundreds were killed, and many thousands of people injured. The impact of this unprecedented explosion, which registered as a 3.3 magnitude earthquake, was felt as far away

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Community Presentation of the FRMC Baseline Study in Pangasinan, Philippines

This case study describes how the data and results of the Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) were presented to and discussed with members of communities targeted by the Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Program of the Philippine Red Cross and the IFRC. The FRMC is a resilience measurement approach developed by the Zurich Flood Resilience

Community Presentation of the FRMC Baseline Study in Pangasinan, Philippines Read More »

COVID-19: Del distanciamiento físico al acercamiento comunitario

En atención a la pandemia por Covid-19 y a los consecuentes confinamientos, el Programa de Resiliencia ante Inundaciones de la Cruz Roja Mexicana, que forma parte de la Alianza Zurich de Resiliencia ante Inundaciones (ZFRA por sus siglas en inglés), suspendió todas las actividades comunitarias y presenciales. No obstante, el equipo de Resiliencia ante Inundaciones

COVID-19: Del distanciamiento físico al acercamiento comunitario Read More »

COVID-19: From physical distancing to community approach

Facing the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns, the Flood Resilience Program of the Mexican Red Cross that is implemented as part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance (ZFRA) had to stop all community and face-to-face activities. Instead, the flood resilience team developed and implemented the “Covid-19 Community Awareness Strategy”. This case study describes how the team

COVID-19: From physical distancing to community approach Read More »

Case Study: Increasing the supply chain agility for PPE during COVID-19 response

The objective of this document is to disseminate the experience of the Spanish Red Cross (Spanish RC) in the face of the importation of large volumes of humanitarian aid during the emergency phase in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, so that it can serve as a reference, source of inspiration or help to other Red

Case Study: Increasing the supply chain agility for PPE during COVID-19 response Read More »

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