Disability Inclusive Disaster Preparedness

Warning Briefing Note Series

UCL Warning Research Center, supported by the Global Disaster Preparedness Center/IFRC and in collaboration with the Anticipation Hub, launches the ‘Warning Briefing Note Series’ that addresses key aspects of warnings, covering state-of-the-art, key issues, examples, resources and recommendations to aid those working on policy and practice. Available topics Enhancing Warnings – Developing and supporting effective […]

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Barriers and Opportunities for a Multi-Hazard Humanitarian Approach

This report aims to provide major insights and recommendations for the implementation of a multi-hazard humanitarian approach drawing from the different experiences of staff members of the Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) Movement working in Africa. This report is the result of a consultation process of 35 staff members, including branch and HQ NS staff,

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Campaña de Inclusión Social / Social Inclusion Campaign

La campaña de inclusión social busca la visibilización de grupos vulnerables que ven exacerbadas sus condiciones en la actual emergencia del Covid-19,  los videos abordan situaciones que sufren  las personas que tienen labores de trabajo doméstico y trabajo informal, la población migrante, personas con discapacidad, adultos mayores y la violencia domestica.  

Campaña de Inclusión Social / Social Inclusion Campaign Read More »

Interim guidance for Red Cross and Red Crescent staff and volunteers working with older people during COVID-19 response.

The purpose of this document is to provide information to Red Cross Red Crescent staff and volunteers on how to engage with, inform and support older people to support older people in facing new challenges linked to COVID-19. This is a living document that will be updated as the situation evolves.

Interim guidance for Red Cross and Red Crescent staff and volunteers working with older people during COVID-19 response. Read More »

IFRC Technical Guidance Note: how to consider PGI in the response to COVID-19

“Protection, gender and inclusion” (PGI) refers to all Red Cross Red Crescent actions which address violence, discrimination or exclusion, in all contexts where National Societies work. This guidance note outlines issues that may threaten people’s dignity, access, participation and safety and suggests actions to address these threats.

IFRC Technical Guidance Note: how to consider PGI in the response to COVID-19 Read More »

Disability Inclusive Disaster Preparedness

Disasters disproportionately impact persons with disabilities, leaving them more vulnerable to harm, loss, and disruption. Ensuring disability inclusive disaster preparedness and risk reduction (DRR) efforts is crucial to minimize these disproportionate effects and enhance the overall resilience of this group. emergencies. Investing in business preparedness and emergency planning saves valuable time when a disaster strikes. In

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Different. Just like you: A psychosocial approach promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities: Training guide

This training guide supports a one-day training workshop based on the handbook of the same name. It is aimed at professionals and volunteers who are interested in planning psychosocial activities that include persons with disabilities. The main goal of the training is to create awareness of the importance of psychosocial support and inclusion in promoting the

Different. Just like you: A psychosocial approach promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities: Training guide Read More »

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