08 Apr 2015
This 2014 edition of WMO’s internationally recognized series provides an overview of the key climate events of the year and an in-depth analysis of regional trends as part of a WMO drive to provide more information at regional and national lev...
Tags: Report, Climate Change Adaptation
26 Nov 2017
The List of Participants in the 2018 CAP Implementation Workshop is divided into three parts: Participants Affiliated with Governmental Organizations Participants Affiliated with International Organizations Participants Affiliated with Other Organiza...
Tags: Report, Early Warning Systems
27 Apr 2021
The 2021 Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Implementation Workshop will be 13-14 October, 2021. The Workshop is a technical meeting intended for information sharing among experts. There is no charge to participate. Everyone interested in emergency alert...
Tags: Other type of resource, Early Warning Systems