23 Aug 2022
En octubre y noviembre del 2020, en México, una serie de frentes fríos y dos ciclones detonaron graves inundaciones en los estados de Chiapas, Tabasco y Veracruz. En el estado de Tabasco, durante el mes de noviembre, se registró una importante pre...
Tags: Report, Early Warning Systems, Flood, Infrastructure and Services, Post-Disaster Recovery, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
26 Nov 2014
Flash Floods and Debris Flow are a major hazard in Europe and worldwide and Early Warning Systems are the best way to increase preparedness and suport efficient operational risk management. The video presents the advanced tools developed under the EU...
Tags: Video, Early Warning Systems, Flood
17 Sep 2015
A Presentation at the 2015 CAP Implementation Workshop (Rome, Italy 23-24 September)
Tags: Report, Early Warning Systems