16 Sep 2014
This document, publiched by DFID, is intended to capture discussions from a series of stakeholder consultations on humanitarian response to urban crises through the topics of working with governments, the built environment, complex communities and ma...
Tags: Report, Post-Disaster Recovery, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Urban Preparedness
09 Mar 2016
This report reviews the decision-making process for new infrastructure and emphasizes the need to embed resilience into this process and practical guidance to do so. It is b...
Tags: Report, Infrastructure and Services, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Risk Transfer and Disaster Management, Urban Preparedness
26 Nov 2014
An 8.6 magnitude earthquake struck 437km off the coast of Indonesia’s Banda Aceh on Wednesday, sparking a tsunami alert across the Indian Ocean region. The quake provided a test for the Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami (DART) earl...
Tags: Video, Early Warning Systems, Earthquake, Tsunami