Resilience in the Americas (RITA) Resources

For over two decades, there has been a strong consensus that responding to disasters after they occur does not save the maximum number of lives and livelihoods nor minimize disaster losses. This recognition has been combined with a shift towards an endogenous-led community approach to preparedness and management of disasters and disease outbreaks.

To respond to these needs, the American Red Cross and National Societies in 12 countries of the Americas have formed a strategic partnership to help communities become more resilient so they can manage disasters related shocks and health related stresses more effectively.

The Resilience in the Americas (RITA) program is designed to deliver the following outcomes:

  • RITA National Society partners enhance the quality and scope of their service delivery, particularly in disaster management (preparedness, response, recovery) and community-based resilience programs.
  • RITA communities are more knowledgeable about their risks to disaster related shocks and health related stresses.
  • Working through RITA National Society partners, communities are better able to self-organize and have the capacity to identify risks, establish priorities, and take collective action.

Spanish version: Resiliencia en las Américas (RITA) – Recursos


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