Guidance material
The IFRC’s Minimum standards for protection, gender, and inclusion (PGI) in emergencies is now in its second edition. This edition is the result of three years of testing, revision and feedback from protection, gender and inclusion (PGI) and sector...
Presentation given by Marcello Marzoli at the 2019 CAP Implementation Workshop.
Awareness material, Guidance material
COVID-19 is a public health emergency with multiple direct and indirect impacts on children’s protection, well-being, and development, both in the short- and longterm. For example, the closure of schools, confinement, and reductions in food securit...
The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) is a biennial multi-stakeholder forum established by the UN General Assembly to review progress, share knowledge and discuss the latest developments and trends in reducing disaster risk. This do...
Other type of resource
The Asia Pacific Disaster Resilience Centre invites the 2nd International Forum and Disaster Resilience on the topic: “COVID-19: Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience and its Framework” Date: 3 July 2020 Time: 13:00 – 18h30 (GMT+9,...
Guidance material, Training material
The Epidemic Control for Volunteers (ECV) Manual and Toolkit is a resource that has, since 2008, been developed and promoted by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to assist National Societies and their volunte...
Awareness material
Albania is a flood-prone country that has faced changing rainfall patterns with stronger and longer rainfall periods over the past 15 years. The inadequate infrastructure increases the severity of floods every few years in the northern part of Albani...
Guidance material
Heatwaves are deadly disasters that are increasingly common and can seriously affect human health and well-being. When a heatwave strikes, the most vulnerable are the most impacted. In the past decade severe heatwaves have been responsible for numero...
Assessment or evaluation
This document is a summary of the risk, evidence, and assessment related to COVID-19 for the week 17 – 23 May. These are updated on a weekly basis and past updates can be found here under ‘Risk, Evidence, and Modelling’. Future update...
La campaña de inclusión social busca la visibilización de grupos vulnerables que ven exacerbadas sus condiciones en la actual emergencia del Covid-19, los videos abordan situaciones que sufren las personas que tienen labores de trabajo domést...