12 Feb 2014
Given the size of the urban poor population, a major challenge confronting development agencies, policymakers and social actors concerned with addressing poverty is how to provide better access to secure tenure and housing. tools and strategies t...
Tags: Guidance material, Urban Preparedness
25 Sep 2013
حيث أن أكثر من نصف عد سكان العالم الآن يعشون في المناطق الحضرية، فإن جعل المدن أكثر أمنا يمثل تحديا طويل الأمد ولكن يمكن تحقيقه. والمدن هي ...
Tags: Guidance material, Urban Preparedness
06 Aug 2014
15 Games that can also be used as energizer and ice breakers in workshops or community trainings: 1. Meet my Daughter: to introduce group members at the beginning of the workshop and to create a relaxed atmosphere. 2. My Pass...
Tags: Game, Community Engagement and Accountability, Disaster Preparedness Games