10 Feb 2015
Guidelines for community mobilization programming developed by the American Red Cross. The guidelines were developed based on the results of a knowledge audit conducted with the American Red Cross Internal Services Department team with regional p...
Tags: Guidance material, Community Engagement and Accountability, Public Awareness and Public Education, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
05 Jan 2023
In this resource, several training documents from nine sessions on Environmental Emergencies Training are made available. Session no. 03: Stakeholder Coordination.
Tags: Guidance material, Training material, Community Engagement and Accountability
19 Jun 2017
La responsabilidad del desarrollo de una Sociedad Nacional incumbe en primer lugar a cada Sociedad Nacional soberana. El propósito del presente marco conceptual es reflejar algunos principios básicos del desarrollo de las Sociedades Nacionales. T...
Tags: Guidance material