21 Oct 2020
The first basic Tuareg Shelters was developed by IFRC-Shelter Research Unit (IFRC-SRU) and distributed by Luxemburg Red Cross (LuxRC) and Burkinabe Red Cross (BRC) in summer 2012. Since then on-going monitoring, evaluation, and specific technical tes...
Tags: Report, Infrastructure and Services, Shelter
03 Jul 2019
This publication from ARUP aims to help host cities to further understand and improve their capacity to effectively manage rapid arrivals from displacement events by: Exploring what works in different contexts (initiatives that respond to the challe...
Tags: Report, Urban Preparedness
04 Oct 2013
Based on its own learning, continual community feed-back, and a real-time evaluation during the September 2008 flood in the Far-Western Development Region of Nepal, Mercy Corps has identified 10 areas of good practice for community-based disaster r...
Tags: Report