21 Oct 2020
The Luxembourg Red Cross is actively working in Laos with a Shelter project (including WatSan component) in the Khammouane region (Mahaxay and Hinboun districts). The project of the LRC (last planned in this country) focuses on improving the living c...
Tags: Report, Infrastructure and Services, Livelihoods and Food Security, Shelter
17 Sep 2015
A Presentation at the 2015 CAP Implementation Workshop (Rome, Italy 23-24 September)
Tags: Report, Early Warning Systems
28 Sep 2023
The rise in extreme temperatures due to climate change is generating a direct impact on human health, ranging from dehydration, heat cramps, heat strokes, increased mental illnesses, to renal and cardio-pulmonary diseases, and even premature death. M...
Tags: Report, Research, Heat Wave